Thursday, March 18, 2010


My friend is doing her student teaching at a highschool and had an extra ticket to their musical, The Wedding Singer, for tonight. I went with her and sat through 3 1/2 hours in an uncomfortable seat listening to really poorly written songs. The songs taken from the movie were fun, but the rest were awful! The acting and singing were great, I was pretty impressed at the talent at the school, I just wish the musical had been written better. It also probably wasn't a great play for a highschool to put on, seeing as how most of the cast is drunk for half of it (Most likely my very conservative religious background speaking). Aren't they trying to stop underage drinking instead of trying to promote it? Let me tell ya though, it's amusing to watch a bunch of young LDS highschool students acting like they're drunk because they have no idea of what drunk people are really like. Which is good, but it made those scenes painful to watch lol.

For the drive home, I made my friend listen to even more 80s music (which she abhors the 80s. To which I asked, "How can you hate something you came out of?" and she replied, "By only three years! At least I tried to miss them!" I, on the other hand, embrace my 80s heritage and sing my heart out with Bonnie Tyler, Pat Benatar and Sheena Easton on a regular basis). Needless to say, today's song is one of those great 80s legacies which everyone could sing their hearts out to every now and then. It's Pat Benatar's very own "Heartbreaker" and it is amazing. I truly suggest you belt it out next time you're in your car. It is very therapeutic regardless of having a broken heart or not.